Tech docs that make sense!

I’m a technical documentation expert who helps companies optimize their technical writing resources so that they can reduce costs. I do this by collaborating across departments, increasing efficiencies, and building technical writing experts.

  • Collaborations that win
  • Teams that stick
  • Efficiencies that work

Over 20 years of experience. 12 years in Agile software environment.

Content Strategy

I plan where you want to go and how to get there using the resources you have.

Build a Team

I grow a team of writing experts, because strong individuals make a strong team.

Help Users

I look for ways to increase findability of the help content for the end users, so the they can get back to work.



8 Years of Management

Currently, I’m transforming technical documentation into an expert team while upgrading the content management system and increasing collaboration across the company.

Previously, I combined 3 teams into one with up to 12 global writers for 25+ products. The team creates online help, configuration manuals, release notes, API documentation, and UX Writing.

I developed the strategy and roadmap to align to the corporate goals. I standardized the technical writing function (processes and workflows, styles and formats), creating a unified user experience, training writers in DITA, minimalism, plain English, and Simplified Technical English.

I began with three goals:

  • Standardize the function and increase efficiency.
  • Create one team and build up the writers.
  • Market Technical Writing throughout the organization and find ways to collaborate.

I succeeded.

I invest in my writers; the average tenure of a writer is five years. I look for ways to not only grow the team’s skills, but to develop leaders. Several writers have moved on to lead their own teams. Three of the writers have received their MBAs.

Most importantly, the team naturally mentors each other. Each writer knows that they can ask anyone for help, and it will be given. Each writer steps up to present during our weekly Writers’ Workshop. Each writer helps train new hires. It’s a team I am truly proud I was able to lead.

Work Instructions

Created to teach authors how to create consistent knowledge articles.

Quick Start Guide

Created for customers so that the prerequisites can be ready for the installation.

API Documentation

PDF of the guide sent to clients. Now available privately in Stoplight.

User Guide

Created online help and PDF.

Television User Guide

Packaged with hardware.


Created online help and PDF.


Use Cases

  • Ideal Release Note Process
    Like most processes, creating release notes is never straightforward. In standardizing the process across five product groups that were acquisitions, I knew there was profound differences in the way release notes were viewed. I interviewed stakeholders from each of the product groups, and devised a plan that covered their concerns. Four of the five product groups adopted it successfully. The fifth group customized the release notes for individual clients, which was a different issue altogether.
  • Initiative Concepts
    Technical Publications struggled to provide a unified delivery experience to our users. Several of the products are old, and the online help is still included in the builds. Another product delivered via a server, but didn’t have authentication. The result was clumsy and often created access issues. I also wanted to standardize the language we used with Client Knowledge, Support and Marketing. This required a writing governance tool that validated the terminology used so that it complied with our common dictionary. I partnered with Client Knowledge to obtain the necessary tools. Implementation is in process. We’ve standardized the taxonomy and tagging used to filter the content to align with the corporate information architecture.
  • Content Migration to DITA
    The team migrated over 10,000 topics from unstructured XML to DITA. Originally, three different authoring tools were used. I planned the project for migrating from Madcap Flare to SDL Tridion Docs, which was 66% of the content. Using a team of 5 writers, the project took 18 months to complete. The content was chunked into functional areas so that sections were manageable. The high level steps were the following:
  • Points
    1. We created the reuse content in SDL, and imported the shared images. 2. Reformatted and rewrote the content into DITA structure. We also removed any Madcap proprietary functions and converted all reuse to text.
    3. We published unvalidated DITA outputs.
    4. We opened each topic in XMetal and validated the DITA, adding the reuse content and images.
    5. We created the new maps and publications.
    6. We published and validated the final outputs.
  • Knowledge Management
  • Project Management
  • Business Analysis
  • Product Owner
  • Scaled Agile Framework
  • API Documentation
  • UX Writing
  • XMetal
  • RWS Tridion Docs
  • Ixiasoft Oxygen
  • Madcap Flare (certified)
  • Markdown
  • Github
  • Azure Fundamentals (certified)


What people are saying

Suzanne was consistently the star technical writer on my team. She’s a powerhouse and delivered excellent documentation on time. She built solid relationships with the technical members of the team. She was a favorite with the other writers. She always sought to improve her skills and learn more.
Kelly Anderson
Former Manager
Thank you for for dedicated leadership. We have seen for the past 3 years in this organization how you have taken up the ownership of the Technical Publication team by guiding us and leading us in each of the products we are working upon. Today you stand as the first person of the Technical Pubs team.
All of Us
Tech Pubs Team
Suzanne exhibits the characteristics of a growth mindset, looking for ways in which to improve the value of her team, being collaborative with other stakeholders, showing determination and not stopping when impediments get in the way.
Rob Marshall
Former Manager
Link to Town Hall Recording

If you are interested in working with me, send me the summary and I’ll contact you.




